Prof. George Tsakos

Prof. George Tsakos

Prof George Tsakos graduated in Dentistry from the University of Athens, Greece, and completed an MSc and PhD at UCL. He currently works as a Professor in the Department of Epidemiology and Public Health at UCL. Prof Tsakos also holds Honorary Consultant in Dental Public Health appointments with the Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust and with Public Health England. He is a Fellow of the Faculty of Public Health. He is currently Chair Elect of the Platform for Better Oral Health in Europe, and Immediate Past President of the European Association of Dental Public Health (EADPH). He is also an International Association of Dental Research (IADR) Councillor representing the Behavioural Epidemiological and Health Services Research (BEHSR) group. He has also served as EADPH President.


Webinars with Prof. George Tsakos

On Demand Webinar

Speakers: Prof. David M. Williams, Prof. George Tsakos, Prof. Sarah Baker, Dr. Tom Broomhead, Dr. Dany Daou

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