Dr. Mile Churlinov

Dr. Mile Churlinov

Dr. Mile Churlinov graduated as a dental technician in 2004 from the National Vocational School in Bitola in Macedonia with a special interest in dental materials. In 2010, he earned a master’s degree in dental medicine from the Medical University of Plovdiv in Bulgaria. From 2010 to 2012, Churlinov worked as a general practitioner showing special interests in endodontics. Since 2013, he has worked as a full-time endodontist in one of Sofia’s leading clinics.

Churlinov has taken a keen interest in endodontic-restorative treatment and continues to lead innovation in the field of “endorestodontics” by contributing regularly to online research websites and having his work published in Dental Tribune, the Dentaltown magazine and other journals.

Churlinov has undertaken a variety of C.E. courses domestically and abroad. He was individually trained in microsurgical endodontics by Dr. Arnaldo Castellucci, both theoretically and hands-on.


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