Monica joined Smile Train in 2012 to help manage programs in Mexico and has grown within the organization since. Monica currently serves as Smile Train’s Director of Global Oral Health Programs where she sets the vision and oversees the global growth of oral health treatment, education and research programs. These programs include Smile Train’s new dental care and current orthodontic initiatives.
In her previous role, Monica worked as the Area Director for Mexico, Central America, and the Caribbean. During this time she focused her efforts to create a strong network of local partner professionals who not only offer quality treatment, but also a model of interdisciplinary care. The network provides reconstructive surgeries, psychological therapy, speech and language therapy, orthodontics, dental care, and nutritional support to Smile Train patients as they reach each developmental stage.
Monica studied odontology at the Universidad Latinoamericana and received a specialization in craniofacial orthodontics at the General Hospital Dr Manuel Gea González, Mexico City.
Monica believes that by bringing together the best talents and wills of local professionals, we can change the world, one smile at a time.