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The FDI could recomend to the beverage industry to reduce the ph in the energy drinks?
Hello to All !!!
Prof. Dr. Fazal Ghani
Peshawar (Pakistan)
Thanks , As a Periodoncist is a new point of view I my practice.
From Panama City. Congratulations
Hi! Are the check ups of sleep, apnea, bruxisms sistemat8cally done on elite athets? Thanks fr9m Uruguay
Hi dear dr, thank you for nice presentation,
Assalamou aleikoum, Fofo, Bonsoir, Good afternoon Dr Sophie Dartevelle et Collaborateurs de la Fédération Dentaire Internationale
Très ravie de participer à ce WEBINAR. Mes pensées positives et mes sincères encouragements et mon soutien constant à toute l’ équipe de l’ UFSBD, FDI.
Hadjia Safiatou
Aware of school sports coaches – recommending children use Sports/Energy drinks – how do we get message across to those involved in early years sports?
could you comment energy boosters and banned substances for enhancing oxygen uptake/erythropietin
The sports dentistry guides are available for download from the FDI website –
The DENTAL School in Tübingen is organizing education for dentist coaching sportsmen in Germany
Is there any data whether the oral health is recognized as a important issue for school boys and girls amateur athletes by their teachers?
Thank you for the excellent presentations!Oral hygiene is more than desired and is fundamental!.Do dietary-energy supplements contribute to the problem of periodontal tissues?
Prof.Dimitra Sakellari from Greece
How did sports federations react to the outcome of your 2012 London Olympics survey ? Did they become cooperative in prevention projects for their athletes ?
was it proved that the water in the swimming pool cause erosion?
Hi,does it impact in athletic dentistry sleeping disorders and sleep apnea
any relations about early failure of dental implants(within the first month to the day of the revealing) with heavy performance athlets ?
Thanks for the valuable information. My question is how can new health methods be developed that keep pace with the Corona stage?
thank you doctors for this amazing lecture and nice presentation.
Are the Sports Dentistry Guidelines booklets downloadable ?
Why in your experience athletes have poor oral health and what can we do about it ?
Dear Sophie, thank you for your presentation. My question is: what is the mechanism to indicate quality of water in swimming pool affects oral health condition? And , what is the practical prevention method?
Do we have Sport Dentistry separate course that to be enrolled?
i’m interested to be trained on the same.
Hello everyone
Dr. Sophie Dartevelle, thank you very much for a lecture.
Do you advice to use any additional products against dry mouth condition ( except of drinking water) ?
what prevention advice would you recommend to an elite triathlete?
je suis heureux de participer a ce forum consacré aux sportifs
Thank you for joining today’s webinar! Please write any questions you have in this chat box and they will be addressed at the end of the presentation.
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Tribune Group GmbH is an ADA CERP Recognized Provider.
ADA CERP is a service of the American Dental Association to assist dental professionals in identifying quality providers of continuing dental education. ADA CERP does not approve or endorse individual courses or instructors, nor does it imply acceptance of credit hours by boards of dentistry. This continuing education activity has been planned and implemented in accordance with the standards of the ADA Continuing Education Recognition Program (ADA CERP) through joint efforts between Tribune Group GmbH and Dental Tribune International GmbH, recognized through ADA CERP from 5/1/24 - 6/30/27.
The FDI could recomend to the beverage industry to reduce the ph in the energy drinks?
Hello to All !!!
Prof. Dr. Fazal Ghani
Peshawar (Pakistan)
Thanks , As a Periodoncist is a new point of view I my practice.
From Panama City. Congratulations
that was amazing. thank you very much.
Hello from Boston
Hi! Are the check ups of sleep, apnea, bruxisms sistemat8cally done on elite athets? Thanks fr9m Uruguay
Hello form GDL ,Mexico!
Hi dear dr, thank you for nice presentation,
Thank you very much for the lecture
Assalamou aleikoum, Fofo, Bonsoir, Good afternoon Dr Sophie Dartevelle et Collaborateurs de la Fédération Dentaire Internationale
Très ravie de participer à ce WEBINAR. Mes pensées positives et mes sincères encouragements et mon soutien constant à toute l’ équipe de l’ UFSBD, FDI.
Hadjia Safiatou
Aware of school sports coaches – recommending children use Sports/Energy drinks – how do we get message across to those involved in early years sports?
could you comment energy boosters and banned substances for enhancing oxygen uptake/erythropietin
The sports dentistry guides are available for download from the FDI website –
Thank you to both presenters
The DENTAL School in Tübingen is organizing education for dentist coaching sportsmen in Germany
Is there any data whether the oral health is recognized as a important issue for school boys and girls amateur athletes by their teachers?
Thanks a lot for both speakers
Thank you for the excellent presentations!Oral hygiene is more than desired and is fundamental!.Do dietary-energy supplements contribute to the problem of periodontal tissues?
Prof.Dimitra Sakellari from Greece
How did sports federations react to the outcome of your 2012 London Olympics survey ? Did they become cooperative in prevention projects for their athletes ?
was it proved that the water in the swimming pool cause erosion?
Hi,does it impact in athletic dentistry sleeping disorders and sleep apnea
any relations about early failure of dental implants(within the first month to the day of the revealing) with heavy performance athlets ?
Thanks for the valuable information. My question is how can new health methods be developed that keep pace with the Corona stage?
thank you doctors for this amazing lecture and nice presentation.
Are the Sports Dentistry Guidelines booklets downloadable ?
Thank you very much.
Why in your experience athletes have poor oral health and what can we do about it ?
Dear Sophie, thank you for your presentation. My question is: what is the mechanism to indicate quality of water in swimming pool affects oral health condition? And , what is the practical prevention method?
Do we have Sport Dentistry separate course that to be enrolled?
i’m interested to be trained on the same.
Hello everyone
Dr. Sophie Dartevelle, thank you very much for a lecture.
Do you advice to use any additional products against dry mouth condition ( except of drinking water) ?
what prevention advice would you recommend to an elite triathlete?
Hello from dubai
Hello from Sheffield, England
Hello from Nigeria
Hello from Aberdeen Scotland
Hi From Chile, south america
Hello everyone! Your colleage from Fiji.
Hello everyone from Delhi India
Good evening
Hello from Spain
Hi everybody!
Nice to meet all of you.
je suis heureux de participer a ce forum consacré aux sportifs
Thank you for joining today’s webinar! Please write any questions you have in this chat box and they will be addressed at the end of the presentation.