Use and Impact of Artificial Intelligence in Dental Medicine: Current trends and future outlookCurrent trends and future outlook of Artificial Intelligence in Dental Medicine.
Artificial intelligence (AI) is defined as the capability of a machine to imitate intelligent human behavior to perform complex tasks, such as problem solving, object and word recognition, and decision-making. In the field of medicine, a large number of AI models are developing for automatic prediction of disease risk, detection of abnormalities/pathologies, diagnosis of disease, and evaluation of prognosis. Radiology is seen to offer a more straightforward access for AI into medicine due to its in nature of producing digitally coded images that can be more easily translated into computer language. In dentistry, and even more in the field of dental and maxillofacial radiology (DMFR), pre-clinical studies have been reporting on AI diagnostic models to exactly locate root canal orifices, detect vertical root fractures and proximal dental caries with generally favorable findings. These initial data were encouraging further studies on AI diagnostic models to transfer pre-clinical findings into clinical applications. Today, AI models have been described and also have been partially implemented for various applications in DMFR, which are mainly focusing on automated localization of cephalometric landmarks, diagnosis of osteoporosis, classification/segmentation of maxillofacial cysts and/or tumors, and identification of periodontitis/periapical disease. The diagnostic performance of the AI models varies among different algorithms used, and it is still necessary to verify the generalizability and reliability of these models prior to transferring and implementing these into clinical practice. Nevertheless, AI will certainly have a more important role to play in the future and influence other fields in dentistry. AI applications can be thus also be seen as the next step in the digital revolution in dental medicine.
Learning objectives:
- Be able to define AI, and it’s potential impact in healthcare in general
- Know about current applications and trends in use of AI in dentistry
- Know about potential future trends of AI in dentistry and healthcare
Release date: 2022-10-24 | Expiration date: 2025-10-24
This continuing education activity has been planned and implemented in accordance with the standards of the ADA CERP program and is supported by funds received from FDI World Dental Federation, free of restrictions. Tribune Group GmbH is a recognized ADA CERP provider.
sponsor(s) FDI World Dental Federation.
Thank you Sir
Thank you Sir for the presentation.
Thank you
thanks professor
Are there open datasets you are aware of with annotations available people can use to train and evaluate AI algorithms? Thank you.
Thank you for the answer, doctor.
In Peru and other Latin American countries we have sectors of the population in rural areas and with diverse cultures and languages. Can a project be developed that facilitates access to these innovations to improve their oral health? Know of any experience.
thank you for your answer professor
Great presentation! My question is can we use AI for assistance in the dental clinic like the robot-assisted surgery?
Question: lot’s of models claim to work in real time, so faster than a dentist, arguing that they could assist in improving workflow. Do you think this is a valid argument in favor of developing models?
Excellent conference. Greetings from Villahermosa, Tabasco, Mexico
In a hypothetical future issue, If there is a medicolegal issue that involves error of AI, will the AI system provider be liable?
What are the sensitivity and specificity from dentists? How do you define sensitivity and specificity given that the task seems to be about locations of disease areas?
whats the progress in diagnosis of oral cavity diseases , combining a clinical image with information like gender,age,habits,site of lesion etc ?
Thank you!
Dr would AI interfere the diagnosis in the future with what dentist see clinically??
Howfar are we from integrating AI diagnostic and software from Cbct, MRI and jaw tracking devices i?
Can you talk about how to avoid bias in development of AI algorithms, such as use of insured only, working adults?
is the recent dental simulators could be considered as Artificial Intelligence with haptic technologie?
Gracias profesor, ha sido muy aleccionador comprender los alcances de la AI en odontologia
Dr would A I replace the dentists and diagnose OMF s surgeries?
Very Interesting Topic…Thanks for your presentation….!!
Thank you. Can you talk a bit more about acceptable levels of sensitivity and specificity?
Thank you very much! Great talk. I have a question regarding obtaining adequate sized Datasets. It seems to be a big limiting factor in training new models. What’s been your experience with getting good data?
Thanks alot
Thank you sir
A.I applications can be helpful to assess the case and to show the patients pre and postoperative predictive treatment, but in reality it is up to our treatment the final result. Thank you professor for the informative presentation
Agradecido por la formación. Saludos desde Sevilla en España. Dr Rogelio Álvarez Marín.
Fortunately the A.I. Cannot Think and Decide by Themselves…If They Could They Would Get Rid of Humans and Dominate the World…..
Thank you for joining today’s webinar! If you have any questions for Prof. Bornstein please write them in this chat box and they will be addressed at the end of the presentation.