Reducing dental carious lesions during the first three years of lifeDental caries in young children from 0- through 3-year-olds is high. The dental profession should collaborate with nurses at mother and child health (MCH) clinics for reducing the disease. The interprofessional collaboration might be an alternative to include the oral health component into the general health public health strategies.
Dental caries in Peruvian 0- to 3-year-olds is very high. The dental profession should collaborate with nurses at Mother-and-Child-Health clinics for reducing the disease. A RCT tested an integrated intervention program (IIP) performed by nurses and dentists. Age-specific (0-3 years) oral health-related information and activity record cards (OHRIAC) were developed and validated for nurses to use after being educated in oral health issues and mouth inspection. Dentists were trained in caries prevention and Atraumatic Restorative Treatment (ART). The active intervention group (AG) participated in the IIP, the positive control group (PG) received the OHRIAC only and the control group (CG) a lecture. Caries status was assessed according to the Caries Assessment Spectrum and Treatment (CAST). The sample consisted of 386 children with a mean age of 3.1 years. The 3-year drop-out percentage was 40.5%. The prevalence of cavitated dentine carious lesions was statistically significantly lower in the AG (10.0%) than in the PG (60.5%) and CG (63.0%) groups, after 3 years. The dental profession could collaborate with other health care professionals to curb dental caries in 0-3 year-olds.
Learning objectives:
- Describe the caries epidemiological status of three year olds around the globe
- Review interprofessional strategies to reduce caries prevalence during the first years of age
- Learn about the peruvian experience to educate nurses to work together with dentists to implement Minimal Intervention Dentistry into the Public Health settings
- Describe minimal intervention strategies for general dentist to reduce the burden of dental diseases
Release date: 2025-02-26 | Expiration date: 2028-02-26
This continuing education activity has been planned and implemented in accordance with the standards of the ADA CERP program and is supported by funds received from FDI World Dental Federation, free of restrictions. Tribune Group GmbH is a recognized ADA CERP provider.
sponsor(s) FDI World Dental Federation.