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Periodontal diseases (gingivitis and periodontitis) are among the most common health issues in humans. Both professional and public communities are increasingly concerned with periodontal healthcare for optimal oral and general health, a better quality of life and healthy aging. Currently, it is rather challenging for general dental practitioners to effectively manage periodontal patients in daily practice, owning to i) the multifactorial and complex nature of periodontal etiopathogenetic, ii) varying host susceptibility to periodontitis among individuals with different genetic background and lifestyle risk factors/profiles and iii) relatively low awareness of periodontal healthcare among the patients and public at large.
The current classification of periodontal and peri-implant diseases and conditions was officially released in 2018, following the joint world workshop of the American Academy of Periodontology (AAP) and the European Federation of Periodontology (EFP) in 2017. Indeed, the global dental professionals very much appreciate the timely launch and implementation of this new classification scheme for greatly facilitating appropriate assessment, diagnosis and treatments via individualized and multidisciplinary team approaches as well as strongly promoting periodontal healthcare and disease prevention. Moreover, the new scheme also considerably enhances dental education, scientific research, professional development and relevant policy updates. This webinar presentation will highlight the scientific basis, framework and rationale of the current classification of periodontal diseases and conditions. The key critical points, important issues and clinical implications in general dental practice are addressed.
Learning objective 1: Understand why it is challenging for general dental practitioners to effectively manage periodontal patients in daily practice.
Learning objective 2: Appreciate the scientific basis, framework and rationale of the current classification of periodontal diseases and conditions.
Learning objective 3: Identify the key points and important issues related to the classification as well as appreciate the clinical implications in general dental practice.
Release date: 2021-10-29 | Expiration date: 2024-10-29
Tribune Group GmbH is an ADA CERP Recognized Provider.
ADA CERP is a service of the American Dental Association to assist dental professionals in identifying quality providers of continuing dental education. ADA CERP does not approve or endorse individual courses or instructors, nor does it imply acceptance of credit hours by boards of dentistry. This continuing education activity has been planned and implemented in accordance with the standards of the ADA Continuing Education Recognition Program (ADA CERP) through joint efforts between Tribune Group GmbH and Dental Tribune International GmbH, recognized through ADA CERP from 5/1/24 - 6/30/27.
Thank you
Thank you doctor!
Thank u for your lovely presentation.
Thanks, greetings from Mexico
How to differentiate between Periddontitis as a manifestation of Systemic disease and Systemic Diseases and conditions affecting the periodontal tissues???
Where does Psoriasis and periodontitis come under??
Good morning from Mexico. ??Thank you very much for this update about the classification as it will allow us a better diagnosis as well as the appropriate treatment depending on the needs of each patient. Arisbeth Pedroza Calleros
Saludos desde CDMX, doctora Ximena Rodríguez Hernández
excellent presentation, thanks for the information Dr, Hernández Anaya Jazmín Areli
thank you for this elaborate and clear presentation. is there any specific any specific ways to evaluate the susceptibility of a patient to a specific bacteria?
Good afternoon! Thank you very much for the information.
Lesly Merab Márquez Márquez
Gracias por compartir esto doctor, Saludos desde CDMX, doctora, Romualdo Laurrabaquio Keren Susana
Saludos desde México.
Dr. Salguero Menchaca Ramses
Is periodontitis in stage four is the result of bacterial infection or trauma from occlusion or vise versa or both?
Thanks for the information Dr. Greetings from Mexico City. Ms.Tiro Cuanenemi Monserrat
Where national and private insurance is concerned, do you feel it would be advantageous for dental software companies to integrate this new AAP classification system in their software programs? Particularly in effort improve more accurate diagnosis rates, and increase practitioner time management?
Buenos dias saludos desde México! Dr..Miguel Lopez Jessica
Thank you, excellent presentation
thank you for presentation
Excellent presentation Thank you so much
Morning Doctor. What do you think about alternative medicine in periodontal diseases?
Buenos días saludos desde México Rubén Benítez Ortiz
saludos desde México Dr.
Jonathan Israel Garrido Bravo
Buenos días, saludos desde México. Dra. Diana Karen Aguilar
Buenos dias saludos desde Mexico. Marco Andre Magaña Sanchez. Gracias por la informacion
Excelente conferencia, grettings frontera México!
Thanks for share this Dr! Greetings from Mexico City. Dr Ximena Muñoz Molina.
Saludos desde Ciudad de México Arteaga Mercado Rebeca. Gracias
Thanks for this interesting presentation, Prof Jin. Regards from Mexico. Dr. Ensuastegui Benavides Fernanda
Approximately how long does it take to make a good diagnosis? Because in some instructions they limit the working time
Good morining. Thank you for the excellent information.
Dra.Sara Haniel Sánchez Resendiz
Saludos desde México DR. Miguel Flores Pérez
Buenos días, Saludos desde México!
Thank you Prof. Jin
It is good to know periodontal disease classification is becoming more sophisticated in clinical aspects. However, on the other hand, in epidemiological aspect, making a diagnosis may become more complicated, and cause “barrier” to conduct periodontal exam. How we could resolve this gap?
Will it be possible to develop a epidemiological profile of the levels of periodontal disease in the population according to some of the new parameters.
Buenos días, un saludo desde México.
Atte: Magdalena Cabrera Morales
Thank you Prof.Dr.lijlan jin
Thank you for your nice presentation. What is your personal opinion about the exclusion of aggressive periodontitis as a different entity, according to the new classification? Thank you sincerely.
Is each case of periodontal disease treated differently? Which do you consider to be the best diagnostic assistant?
The flowchart you presented is very helpful in classifying patient periodontal status with the new AAP classification system. Thank you for your presentation!
the new classification does not include aggressive periodontitis cases. we still see these cases in Nigeria.
Excelente, presentación. Saludos desde México.
Dra. Eugenio Palacios Claudia Erika
Buenas días saludos desde México del dr Zarco Rodríguez Juan Manuel, Thanks
Thanks for the comprehensive lecture
Thank you
What are your final instructions to your patients at the end of periodontal treatment
Good afternoon, Prof LijIan Jin, from Ukraine. Thank you for this new materials. Have a good mood!!!
Thank you
Thank you
Thank you!
wow this is quick ! how long does this speedy evaluation take for each patient. I am sure patients will be grateful for this added industrious procedure. Does this procedure actually lead to better outcomes or is this still to be determined ??
Buenos días, saludos desde México. Dra. Montes Sánchez Paola.
Buen día, saludos Dr. Desde México ??. Sánchez H. Gina Gabriela
Hola, buenos días.
Saludos desde México
Dra. Nayeli Pérez Jaramillo.
Good morning doctor, Do you consider that the damage created during a periodontal rhinoplasty (due to the blows) is very harmful?
Buenos días, saludos desde la Ciudad de México! ?? Mariana Sarahi Luis Otero.
Can we assign stage 4 when just One tooth has more than grade 2 mobility ?
How can we assess masticatory dysfunction to categorize as stage 4
Saludos desde Mexico!! Dr. Muñoz Robles Eduardo
Buenos días, saludos desde México. Luna Pérez Samuel
Hello, from Spain, Dr Philippe Cotten. Nice interesting presentation.
Greetings from Mexico, Dr Jesús Eduardo López Trinidad. Very good information on the new classification
Buenos días, saludos desde México. ….Diana Roque
Good afternoon, Prof LijIan Jin.
Thanks for this professional renovation.
Regards from Mexico!
Itzamara Hernández Salinas.
What prompted you to propose new methods/classidications to diagnose PDL Disease.
To what extent should mid-level oral care providers be capable of diagnosing periodontal disease? Is there a simplified version for dental nurses to use in low-income settings?
Buenos días saludos desde México, Yibran David Ramírez Núñez.
Buenos días desde Mexico ??Dr Lerma Pérez Armando.
Buenos días saludos desde México ?? Molina González Vianey Esmeralda
Hello from Sudan. Fadil Elamin, and thank you for the lecture
Buenos días, Saludos desde México! Diana S. Rodríguez
Good Evening from Philippines
Prof. Jin, is PERIODONTAL DISEASE included in the NON-COMMUNICABLE DISEASE listing of Oral Diseases? What percentage of the Asian Population is affected and what age group?What strategies is the FDI doing to further promote awareness of PDL DISEASE in Southeast Asia?
¡Buenos días, Saludos de México! Montse Miranda
Buenos días, saludos de México, Gutiérrez Sánchez Ilse Giselle
Hello , Good morning ,greetings from Mexico, Dr. Leonardo López Kelly
Saludos desde México! Vazquez Davila Frida Sofia
buenos días. Saludos desde México
Buenos días saludos desde la Ciudad d México. Dra. Cristian Sarai Torres Ruiz
What is the best iINDEX to record periodontal condition in groups and population in terms of reliability
Good morning! From Houston, Texas
Saludos desde Mexico Dr. ??
Arath Barrón Resendiz
Buen dias. Saludos desde Sevilla, España. Dr Rogelio Álvarez Marin. IMOA CLÍNICA DENTAL.
Thank you
Thank you
1.How often will you recall a patient with a stage II to stage IV and a grade B and C( latest classification)
2. What is your take on medical insurances dictating on how often and how one should treat peridontitis patients.
Difference between gingivitis and periodontitis?
Thank you for joining today’s webinar! If you have any questions for our speaker please write them in this chat box and they will be addressed at the end of the presentation.