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Thank you for the highly informative webinar
Thank you for enlightening us on the importance of reusable materials. Your insights have truly made a difference in our approach to sustainability and waste reduction.
It was very informative and thanku for the excellent presentation..
Thank you to all experts for an outstanding webinar!
Is it more advisable to use a non toxic disinfectant to use inside dental operatory after each patient. I’m using hypochlorous acid to disinfect dental chair and cuspidor
There is a huge gap regarding SDGs issue of infection control procedures. in the world. How do we deal with SDGs issue from now on?
Hi. Thank you for the presentation. I just want to say that i changed the tradicional plastic cup for rising the mouth to a glass cup that we esterilize after the use.
would you recommend a physical barrier to restrict the dispersion of aerosol instead of using extra oral vacuum?
Here in Philippine there are so many dental missions held in venues like covered court and not in dental facilities. Is it risk for disease transmissions? And instruments are exposed.
Greetings from Costa Rica Dental Association.
Great lectures.
Very important topic, thank you
What do you recommend when disinfecting dental chair and dental device
Greetings from Papua New Guinea. Many thanks to the presenters. Very informative.
Thank you for a great presentation with many practical insights
What is the recommended frequency for DUWL testing using Laboratory service and in office testing
Greetings from Philadelphia. My question is recycling hard plastic XCP biteblocks for X-rays that can be recycled but the clinic classified them as infectious waste and hence are not being recycled. What is the best policy on recycling biteblocks that are not necessarily contaminated.
Is possible to watch this webinar again?
Can we reuse Sterilization pouch after each used. If we just seall it with autoclave tape instead of self adhesive
Greetings from Boston Massachusetts
What a great presentation and information needed in everyday practice.
As a dentist who has been working for 45 years, it appears to me that we have gone over the top on the use of single-use instruments, barriers and PPE. We are now going back to the 1960s using cloth gowns and wraps. In those days, labour was cheaper.
And thank all speakers for excellent presentations and very important topic!
Concerning tests: for medical staff, we are obliged to be tested regularly . However, for patients, I know that in some countries you are not allowed to ask patients wether he is infected (at least HIV). Should any patient be treated as “potentially infected” in terms of infection control?
what is the recommended pre-procedural mouth rinse if it is still recommended? Is hypochlorous solution effective in reducing the amount of bacteria in the aerosol?
The cost of recruiting and employing staff just for infection control is prohibitive.
Another wasteful use of disposables is using disposable cups. Metal cups can be sterilized and used for decades.
What is the difference between masks and respirators?
Do you recommend to do Antigen Test for every Patient that comes in your clinic?
Yes Dr. Tantoco, you will be able to rewatch this webinar On Demand starting from tomorrow onwards. Thank you
Is it possible to re watch this? My signal is not good here.
One of the difficulties of access to dentistry is the cost of dental treatment. Applying all that you have recommended today, the cost of dentistry will increase considerably.
The air turbine is used intensively for cavity prep, crown preps. The ultrasonic scaler is used in 8 out of 10 patients in clinic. During the pandemic, I tried the extra-oral vacuum suction. It was so noisy – quite intolerable to both operators and patients. What is the solution or viable option?
Does ICX affect the bond strength?
Greetings from Doha QATAR
Thank you for joining today’s webinar with Mr. James Allison, Prof. Lakshman Samaranayake, Prof. Suhail Al-Amad and Prof. Laurence Walsh. If you have any questions about today’s presentations, please write them in this chat box and they will be addressed during the Q&A session.