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In May 2021, the 74th session of the World Health Assembly adopted a landmark resolution on Oral health (WHA74.5), witnessing the return of oral health to the global health agenda. The resolution recognizes the immense global burden of oral diseases and their associations with other noncommunicable disease (NCDs), urging Member States to put a greater focus on prevention interventions that tackle shared risk factors, include essential oral healthcare within universal health coverage (UHC) benefit packages, and support oral health research and professionals to deliver quality prevention and care. Moreover, the resolution also tasks the World Health Organization (WHO) with the development of a global strategy, action plan with 2030 targets, technical guidance, and NCD “best buys” on oral health, together with the recommendation to consider noma as a neglected tropical disease.
Ahead of the 2021 World Dental Congress (26-29 September), this joint virtual session, co-hosted by FDI World Dental Federation, International Association for Dental Research and NCD Alliance, will discuss the implications of this new resolution for the oral health profession and the opportunities it will bring to improve people’s oral and overall health outcomes. We will hear from the WHO NCD Department about what is next in terms of technical guidance and integration opportunities, and we will learn how FDI’s Vision 2030: Delivering Optimal Oral Health for All can support the implementation phase of the resolution. The session will also highlight the need for collaborative care services and integrated surveillance mechanisms to overcome siloed approaches, the role of research in making oral health promotion and oral healthcare possible at the primary healthcare level, and demonstrate what lessons can be learnt from the experience of the NCD community in advocacy and accountability.
Learning objectives:
Release date: 2021-09-14 | Expiration date: 2024-09-14
Level 1 Basic
Tribune Group GmbH is an ADA CERP Recognized Provider.
ADA CERP is a service of the American Dental Association to assist dental professionals in identifying quality providers of continuing dental education. ADA CERP does not approve or endorse individual courses or instructors, nor does it imply acceptance of credit hours by boards of dentistry. This continuing education activity has been planned and implemented in accordance with the standards of the ADA Continuing Education Recognition Program (ADA CERP) through joint efforts between Tribune Group GmbH and Dental Tribune International GmbH, recognized through ADA CERP from 5/1/24 - 6/30/27.
Thank you all presenters.. ?
Dr. ZZ – Sarawak, Malaysia
Thank you for the great presentation! God bless!
Thank you all
Thank you for this webinar.
Thank you all for your input and info. I’d love to be able to collaborate somehow
More.researches are required but they are mitigated in countries like Nigeria cos.of.lack of funds.there is little people can do with personal funds to facilitate studies
Indeed and agree “cease this moment “. Thank you for this webinar ?
Agree. Research in relation to the role of oral health in overall health and wellbeing (mental health in particular) is if fundamental importance. This can then feed into advocacy.
Great presentation !!!
Interprofessional education and Interprofessional collaboration will go a long way in reaching our oral health goals this decade.
Best wishes and warm regards,
Great Session
Thank You FDI
Great session and discussion as well ! Thanks a lot FDI.
How do we know the resolutions developed can be monitored and we are in the right path?
Thanks for presentation.
lets be honest – national dental associations are in a conflict of interest as they see themselves as representing DENTISTS, not prevention, communities, OH strategies etc
Thank you Dr. Seeberger. In Spain for example, national dental orgs are fragmented so advocacy through them is difficult
If people don’t listen to use should we engaged designers and comms experts to design powerful regular campaigns and Govs financing those?
El tema es sumamente interesante y con muchos puntos de vista por revisar y abordar, la estrategia parece bien y cómo incorporar a cada país Saludos desde la CDMX México
There is a need to change our focus from teeth to general health and the relationship between oral health and general health. What do the panelists feel? Thks for very good presentations.
What public policies are required to build oral health prevention strategies focused on behaviors instead of actions? considering that many NCDs (Tobacco, Diabetes, etc) are interrelated
each other, thus eventually include non dental professionals to help to control. Thanks
How can we go about building capacity among nondental professionals in an effort to integrate oral health as part of NCDs?
Great presentation. In terms of community engagements, can Nina share experiences of working around the influence of large multinational companies who produce high sugar products on political leadership to ensure no legislation can be enacted to control the use of their products by the population.
What and how can we help reinstate the oral health care in Afghanistan?
Global strategy needs translating to a national level by empowering the workforce focusing on prevention-dental hygienists. Could adding prescription rights help?
How do you expect to give the best quality services when the cost of material & equipment is skyrocketing specially in developing countries
Dr Manu Mathur
Thank you for the presentation. I would like to ask how best can we try and solve the issue of more dental practitioners being interested in working in urban areas vs rural. I currently work in rural Zimbabwe and I would appreciate some ideas to address the human resource challenge.
How can a dentist become an advocate or join support groups on NCD in his community
How to address oral health disparities among huge Indian population with financial constraints
Hello everyone , Dr Oduyemi from Nigeria. Are there any programs for developing countries like mine
It looks as if empowering the workforce of dental hygienists and therapist are actually key in taking action towards a global strategy. What steps are being taken in that respect so far?
Thank you for the presentations.
How we could integrate better the role of oral health policies in tobacco control policies?
Is it the lack of research in indian context on impact of oral health on quality of life deferring in execution of oral health policy in India
Great session. Happy to see how the contribution of @NCDAlliance since Sharjah 2017 has beeen very useful
Thank you for the presentations
Prof.Bedros Yavru-Sakuk
Also The WHO Resolution is Very Important but it is Not a Solution. The Implementation Depends from the Economic Strength of the Country. How To Include Oral HC within the Universal HC With No Money in Gov. Budget??
How can conservative and complacent DENTAL ASSOCIATIONS be encouraged to become more proactive in order to realize oral health for all?
How can one access financial support on oral health research in association with NCDs
What advocacies of the NCD can be easily adapted by Dental Councils in southeast asian countries like the Philippines?
Following the COVID-19 since March 2020, school oral health service all over the world has been suspended or reduced in capacity. How should we approach or embark paradigm shift in delivering oral health children to our school children in addition to strengthened oral health promotion? Thank you.
Slow Oral health integration in Africa is a major concern,what’s FDI and WHO strategy to promote oral health in this continent esp on intervention at government level.The rural urban ratio of oral health personnel is something to look into
From Prof. Bedros Yavru-Sakuk
Why it took So Long for such Resolution?Why Only Now That WHO is Considering Seriously Oral Health and the Burden of Oral Disease Worldwide as Important Part of NCDs and General Health at Large ?
How can a dentist from his private clinic, participate in the program of oral health resulotion?
What startegies are you going to implement regarding tobacco and alco hol control in your country ?..Thank you and stay safe everyone…
Oral Diseases as well remains unintegrated in the NCD Category. What do you remains as the biggest hindrance to this issue?
Hi! From North Borneo Malaysia
Thank you for the webinar
How do you suggest developing and underdeveloped countries catch up with industrialized countries in terms of making DENTAL SERVICES accessible to all? I was a Migrant Worker in the UAE for 12 years and I’ve seen the disparity of accessing quality oral care amongst the diverse population.
Greetings from Tanzania, Dr Msafiri kabulwa
Greetings from Baguio City, Philippines
Hello from Indonesia
Magnifico seminario. Dr Rogelio Álvarez Marín. Sevilla. España.
Greetings from Mauritius. ACF.
Hello from India?
Hello everyone. Greetings from Chile
Hello from Abu Dhabi, Dr. Shaikh
Greetings from Sarawak, Malaysia
Greetings from Melbourne, Australia!
Greetings from Doha, QATAR
Hello from Malaysia
Hello from New York, USA.
Hello from Alabama, USA
Hope a great session. Hugs from Chile
greetings from Tbilisi
Hello From Yerevan-Armenia
Prof. Bedros Tavru-Sakuk
Hello from Brisbane, Australia
Greetings from Mexico!
Hello from Arkansas
Hello everyone. Nk Obi from Nigeria (SMILE TRAIN)
Hello everyone! Bula from Fiji!
Thank you for joining today’s webinar! If you have any questions for our speakers please write them in this chat box and they will be addressed at the end of the presentation.